The instruments were vintage except for the electric stand up bass, which I was impressed that they even tried to use this one. If you’ve ever tried to play a fretless instrument, then you will appreciate it even more!
For those not in the loop, the fretless instrument is a device that is used only after you have pretty much mastered it. On a fretted instrument, the distance between the frets are where you place your fingers. If not placed directly in between them, you will get a sound that is not clear and muffled. If you are not good on a fretted one, then a fretless instrument will make you sound very bad!
The keyboardist, Money Mark, used a Hammond Organ, Fender Rhodes piano and a Leslie speaker (please look at the design part of this one). This guy plays real old school keyboards and has the chops to prove it.
The guitarist was playing a Gibson with Morley Wah wah pedal! Unfortunately I can not see what he is playing through.
The bongo player seemed to be using 5 in total. What they are is a mystery to me,but by the quality of his percussion playing, they were more then likely NOT off the rack.
The drummer, Alfredo Ortiz, seemed to be playing a 5-6 piece Ludwig, metallic gold kit. Oh what a beautiful look they have and the sound is pure rhythmical magic! When I was growing up playing in Brantford, every drummer would have killed for a kit like that!
Keep on Jammin’