Coldplay, what a good band. They’ve been around for ages, tons of people I’ve met love ’em and their sound is great.
Most songs they play take a bit of time to tickle that musical funny bone in me. There is an exception with a song they did for BBC show in 2000. It was an unplugged version of their hit song Shiver.
This song has everything that I love in a song. For the first time in a while I actually listened to the word and they were, well nice. This is a big step for me because I NEVER pay attention to words in a song.
The second thing going for this creation is the chord progressions. The phrasing is fabulous. The chords are FULL SOUNDING , there are open strings ringing out for all to hear and it is not just a sappy love song full of simplistic guitar changes. The second guitar adds that extra filler that I look for in gauging for the perfect song!
The guitar player, Chris Martin, has created a song very worthy of figuring out. So much so, that I am going to give it a go when I’m done this post!
The reference that I will be using as a rough template for the song is this video that I found on Youtube!
I also want to apologize to my regular readers for not posting all that much the past little while. Sometimes you just have to step back for a while to re-energize the old batteries that will help bring a better perspective in the things that you love doing to make it that much better. Thank you!