iPhone has just released this really neat phone App that seems like a lot of fun and it’s much more challenging that damn Guitar Hero game!
This phone application tests a person’s finger dexterity as well as developing better hand eye co-ordination. The practical applications that this App, for both guitar players or non guitar players, is actually very impressive if you look at it from a therapeutic point of view.
This phone App can be used for people who might have had damaged nerve endings in their fingers, developed carpal tunnel or have recently suffered from a stroke. Think about it for a second here folks. It certainly can help the brain relearn finger functions and also provides proper finger exercises to help rebuild their strength! It’s fairly cheap and for a non guitar player it can give them a far better idea of how an actual guitar works.
I’ve never tried this thing out because I don’t have an iPhone but it makes sense to me. I’ll bring this to attention of my neurosurgeon or physiotherapy friends at work and inquire what they think about it!
Check out this link to see what I am talking about!
Keep on Jammin’