I just came across this site called Chordinversion.com that provides you with inversions of chords to compliment the main one that you are playing in a certain song or just for jammin’.
It’s very simple to use and gives you a general overview on how to play your favorite chord in a very unique position on your fretboard. It will make your favorite chord or song a little more exciting trust me.
While figuring out cover songs or working on chord progressions, I’ve always tried playing chords that are normally played at the top of the guitar (or first position) in different locations of the fretboard. These new chord breaths new life into the chord or song. The new chords that I am searching for are known as inversions.
First, I take apart the chord that I am using one note at a time. I then try to figure out where else can I play this one single note at a time in the old chord, in another position. I take that one note and find it an active above it and remember where it is on the fretboard. I then repeat this process to all the other notes in that chord. This is the easiest way to find out another way or inversion to play this chord that I want to use.
Doing so I am finding not only a different way to play the chord but also discovering a more colourful way to play it. I am always striving to find a chord that sounds a little bit more distinctive then the original one. Some of the newer inversions of chords that I have found over the years have produced either more warmer, or sonically different tone to them with overtones that can bring some new perspective to an old chord/song.
Most listeners will be aware of this change. The song that you will be performing will sound the same but you are creating a different way of digesting a song. This new inversion of a familiar chord in a song will make them sit back and take notice of how you play a certain song. It almost forces them to become more aware of what you are playing in front of them while your playing live at a show or just in front of friends.
I’m sure that there are tons of other sites out there more graphic or appealing then Chordinversion.com. If you know of any can you put your two cents worth in here to help others find the best site to meet their chord inversion needs?
Keep on Jammin’