If your a do it yourself kinda person and want to set/adjust the action of your guitar saddle, then you have to watch this video!
I attempted this back in 1978 with disastrous results. I tried this out on my 1959 Fender Duo-Sonic. Soon after I realized that I screwed my guitar up royally, I had to take my patient to the local guitar shop, Music and Sound on Market Street in Brantford, to have it done right.
Back then, we didn’t have the internet and all the wonders that come with it. The way we gathered information was just by asking someone if they had done it or went to this thing called the library, are those things still around?
So if I have spurred your interest in this topic, check out this video, and then tell me what you think of it and if you could pull something like this off yourself.
Keep on Jammin’