The worlds smallest guitar is about the size of a single blood cell or 10 micrometers long! Good God that’s small. Can you imagine the pick that you’d have to use to play this puppy?
I got this piece from the Cornell Science News site and the article is a good read for musicians. I knew that I just had to post this one for all of you tiny guitarists out there … me included.
The world’s smallest guitar is 10 micrometers long — about the size of a single cell — with six strings each about 50 nanometers, or 100 atoms, wide. Made by Cornell University researchers from crystalline silicon, it demonstrates a new technology for a new generation of electromechanical devices
Keep on Jammin’, very carefully though!
Oh, it’s beautiful!!!
Is it for public view only? Wow, it must be in limited edition if ever. Hard to strum on it though. LOL. However, it’s really fancy to know about this.
perhaps they should have supplied these to bands like the WHO, we would still have a lot of hotels intact.