Frank Zappa was so ahead of his times in so many ways that saying that he was a genius is an understatement. Where have all the brilliant minds gone.
Just listen to him! Enjoy, I sure did!
They do more to entertain us then, serve us
To bad so many greats leave this planet far too early.
Keep on Jammin’ Frank
Frank Zappa was without doubt a total genius. Not many people know that he did get involved with politics at one stage. Defending himself against Tipper Gore of all people. However he had such insight into how things should be run in a country that folk did want him to run for government. If only he was still around. I can only imagine the fantasy of Zappa being voted into the White House. This wold mean a perfect world does exist but of course we got 8 years of this clown. If Frank became President what a glorious place America would have been. I guarantee it.
Me too Robert, me too!
Keep on Jammin’ Robert