Surf music/rock is fun to listen to, and that’s putting it very lightly, but I haven’t been really exposed to it properly until now!
Our new neighbour’s husband is in the band called the von Drats. They are a surf/garage band that, and I’ve only seen them through their site/youtube, make you want to get up and dance (except me because I am VERY BAD at it, just ask my wife or any family member). The only other exposure to surf/garage band music of course is from the legendary surg/garage band Big Kahuna! They were my college buddies who were just way too entertaining to watch live, that’s why I video taped them for all to see them in their glorious live rituals! They just had FUN, that was their secret!
A fine example of surf/garage band music by the von Drats!
This type of music is truly fun for the whole family! My mom, dad and even aunt Helen can listen to it and dance. Hell even I, the rhythmically challenged, can dance to it. You know the more I listen to this music I can’t help but feel myself getting pulling into it’s unique trance!
I just thought that some of you may not have heard of this style so I wanted to expose this life altering experience! I know that there are some new converts to this newer form of religion, as we can recently see!
Surf music, Keep on Jammin’
Nice post! The music is cool and the video related to surf the music is good.Every one can enjoy this kind of music.Thanks for providing this kind of article.
Just trying to spread the good news of Surf there Stephanie!
Keep on Jammin’