Wonder no more –
Heart break, pain and lost love … popular song themes.
Could some of our favorite songs really be about quitting smoking or some other addictive substance?
I’ve never actually made a song by myself, truth be told. I’ve only created bits and pieces of songs but the only thing stopping me is … something to write about. Maybe I’ll try this guys technique.
Keep on Jammin’
Well, sergeant Pepper’s lonely hearts club band is not exactly about something.
The trick is to write a song every day. It doesn’t matter whether it is a good song or a bad song, you just want to create a space where the muses can find you every day. Eventually you will move from writing songs to re-writing songs. Beyond that, you will move from having the rewrite songs to writing good songs off the bat.
If you struggle to write lyrics, just close your eyes and imagine a scene or an emotion and try to come up with music that suits it. You can always add the lyrics afterwards.
That’s a good starting point on making your own tunes Garg the Unzola. I’ve never written a song on my own because I guess I want to be a guitar players, guitar player.
As for the lyrics of a song, I don’t really pay too much attention to them. This may sound corny, but I never really listen to them when I’m hearing a song. My attention is always focused on how the music is put together. Am I the only one who does this?
Lyrically confused!
Keep on Jammin’
Thanks for sharing,
I never wrote songs before but i did write poems 🙂
I love writing them. Only for my own private purposes though. I hide them!
I guess there must be more closet poets then you that write songs and keep them hidden from public view. My wife has done some in the past and they seem to be not that bad! Maybe I’ll give them a go … if she let’s me.
Keep on Jammin’ Lee
You should write a song about how much you love your guitar!
When I am writing a song, I always focus on the overall vibe and feel. Then I will hum or play a melody over the rhythm part I am playing.
Words are always incredibly painful for me to come up with, but sometimes when everything just feels right, it happens!
Now that makes sense to me! I do come up with little riffs from time to time and I do put them to tab. I just have to figure out how to put them all together and maby, just maybe words might come out a little at a time!
Keep on Jammin’ Jeff